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User Testimonials
Click To View All, or add your own!I've used ClipMate for several years but the best thing you've done is add the Automatic Text Cleanup feature. I am always getting email that has been forwarded from multiple mailers. I hate to pass on things like this without cleaning them up and so I've spent many hours over the years doing just that. ClipMate Automatic Text Cleanup does a better job in seconds. Thanks for this great feature, and an excellent product.
- Dennis E. Coburn

ClipMate Technical Support - Older Versions

Download ClipMateVIP Code: 4422
(Use when subscribing to support forum.)

ClipMate 6

Previous Versions:

Other Tech Support Links:

  • ClipboardExtender.Com - Clipboard resources for developers and end-users.
  • Developer Information  (Information for developers of clipboard-aware products)
  • Shareware Industry Conference (Speaker's notes and slides)
  • Kephyr File Database - Great listing of 800 programs, windows components, and startup entries.  See something unfamiliar in your process list? Check it out.  (Google them. We had to take the link down due to vigilante blacklisting by
  • lists thousands of file extensions.

Registration Keys?

If you've lost your registration key (reformatted hard drive, moved to new computer, etc.) please send your request to
(To find your key, you can simply look under Help | Enter Registration Key (from ClipMate's main menu) and it will show you the key.)

Tech Support Contact Information

  • Electronic mail: ** See Notes Below.
  • Telephone: (585) 352-4223    (Time Zone is East Coast, USA)

** E-Mail Contact
Please use the link above, as it will put the word "ClipMate Tech Support Inquiry" into the subject line of the e-mail.  This will prevent it from being discarded by our spam filter - which unfortunately, is necessary these days (we get 5-10 thousand spam and other undesirable messages per week).

**Sending Files Via Email
Need to send us files? A picture is worth a thousand words, they say. But it's not worth a million bytes! If you want to send us several files (such as one of your collections), or any single file larger than 10Kilobytes in size (such as a screen shot), please use an appropriate compression. Screenshots can be sent as JPEG (Tip: Use Alt+Printscreen to take a screen shot. ClipMate will then capture it as a BITMAP.  Export as JPEG - see Export under the file menu. Then attach the JPG file to the Email.) or you can ZIP up a Bitmap. Please do NOT send MS Word files.  We cannot accept the risk of macro viruses, and will not open Word attachments. They will be discarded by the spam/virus filter.

Support Forum VIP CODE: 4422
(Due to the alarming surge of spam, mostly from porn and casino sites, we have had to implement this. Sorry!)


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